Monday, January 30, 2012

How deep to plant iris bulbs?

Irises technically have rhizomes. It's a significant difference. If your are talking about bearded iris, Not dutch or siberian or Japanese, the rule is that they "like clean feet". They don't compete well with weeds or ground covers, and even though you should work the groun deeply, the rhizome should lay horizontal with the ground and should barely show at the surface. Mulch is not often recommended but has been used with out detriment if it is light weight and shallow.

How deep to plant iris bulbs?
Character is right, Iris should be planted right at the surface. They also need a sunny spot and good drainage. Plant them away from the drip line of buildings and the down spouts of rain gutters. Good luck and I hope they do great for you.
Reply:Okay, you didn't say whether they are "Dutch Iris", which are real bulbs or "Bearded Iris" which are the rhizomes of which the others speak.

Dutch Iris should be planted twice as deep as the height of the bulb. So if the bulb is about 2 inches, plant it about 4 inches deep. It is not rocket science people. I usually just dig a hole and throw them in making sure the pointy part is up.

Bearded Iris(the ones you buy with leaves attached) should be planted shallowly with a bit of the rhizome showing just below the soil.

Good luck :-)
Reply:Other answer are right - except ignore Happy Feet.

Know what you've got: if a rhizome, they shouldn't be buried beneath the soil, but want their tops slightly exposed.
Reply:don't be confused, the iris will tell you its 12 inches, but we all know it's really about eight. Get a ruler and measure twelve inches
Reply:a good depth is 12 inches


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