Wednesday, January 25, 2012

After an iris blooms should the dead flower be cut off?

"Cut off dead blossoms and dead bloom stalks when the iris has stopped blossoming, but don't cut back the leaves until they begin to turn brown in the fall. The leaves are needed to produce next year's blooms. When you do cut, leave a fan shape about six inches long. Feed your irises a teaspoon of bone meal every fall and when you replant. You can feed again a month before they usually bloom if you like, but they are quite tolerant of just one feeding."

After an iris blooms should the dead flower be cut off?
They should fall off when they dry up, don't cut the foliage either, the plant needs the leaves to get its nutrients (sunlight).
Reply:yes, it's called "dead-heading" let the leaves feed the bulb until they die for the season.
Reply:Yes, you have to cut the spent flowers, that way the plant can store the energy in their root/tuber instead of trying to produce seeds (remember flowers after polination will produce seed head), for next flowering seasons.

Happy Gardening!!
Reply:yes..."dead-head" it....
Reply:Yes, cut off faded flowers for sure. That way the plant's energy can go to the foliage and tuber and become a bigger better plant.

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