Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Dark blue ring around my iris???

Ever since I can remember I have had this strange blue ring around my green eyes. I heard something like this is because of a lack in a certain vitamin (which I highly doubt because eat super healthy) and also it is something like a blood vessel. What is this blue ring and why is it there? I am soo confused I trie to google it but I don't understand science talk!

Dark blue ring around my iris???
Mabe it was inherited, What about your parents? I have inherited a line across my nose, My entire family has it, I dont know why, Some people have wierd things never to find out.....
Reply:Wow! That looks just like my eyes too!

I think it's just colouring. There are some Asian doctors that believe it means something, but the eyes are almost separate beings in our bodies. They are rather isolated from any vitamins and things you take (other than the optic never.)

I don't think it means anything other than you have, if I may say so, pretty eyes.
Reply:Races with a lot of pigmentation in their skin, hair, and eyes can sometimes have a blue ring between the cornea and iris because of the stark difference in color between the two structures. This blue ring is called the limbus and everyone has one. The outer layer of the eye can be divided into three areas: the cornea, the sclera and the limbus. The cornea is the clear part, or the window, that covers the iris and the pupil. The sclera is the white part of the eye. The limbus is the thin area that connects the cornea and the sclera.
Reply:I have it too. It's normal, just the coloring of your eyes. I heard someone call it a "fairy ring" one time, I thought that sounded pretty.
Reply:Everyone has a ring like that. I have dark blue eyes and my rings look purple. My boyfriend has hazel eyes and his rings are brownish black

get well flower

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