Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Do the finger-prints,retina/iris scans of twins/triplets/quadruplets/etc... match???

No; there are random / environmental factors at work, as well as heritable factors.

The % of loops and whorls in prints of fingers / toes is similiar in identical twins, but not identical in placement, nor in other fine detail.

Hey! look at your own left and right sides! The exact placement of veins visible through skin eg at wrist and elbow, or exact fingerprints, is not the same when you compare your 2 sides! They have identical DNA .... but those random factors affected them differently.

Do the finger-prints,retina/iris scans of twins/triplets/quadruplets/etc... match???
No. every fingerprint is different. Same with retinal patterns.
Reply:no, these things are all unique due to environmental factors in the womb.
Reply:NO God designed each and everyone of us differently with unique finger prints,etc. even twins,...
Reply:Fingerprint comparison. I: Similarity of fingerprints.

Lin CH, Liu JH, Osterburg JW, Nicol JD.

Fingerprints from 61 pairs of male monozygotic twins (MZ), 47 pairs of female MZ, 40 pairs of same-sex male dizygotic twins (DZ), 44 pairs of same-sex female DZ, 4 pairs of opposite-sex DZ, and 28 brothers and 31 sisters of those twins are used for the study of fingerprint similarities. Similarities of fingerprint pattern, ridge count, and minutiae are evaluated for two population groups genetically related to each other in different degrees. It is concluded that fingerprint similarities, including pattern, ridge count, and possibly minutiae, between MZ individuals are significantly higher than those between other population groups, including DZ twins.

However this doesn't mean that that MZ twins will have same fingerprints. its just that their's are more similar in some aspects. Other wise fingerprints as well as retinal scans are deemed to be unique for each individual.

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