Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Does the colour of the iris in a person's eye remain constant for life?

Eyes colour or iris colour may not remains constant throughout life (Imesch et al. 1997, Bito et al. 1997). This is due to affected by a variety of ocular disorder, variable amounts of melanin pigment granules genetically different amount when an early childhood and constant remain in adulthood and prostaglandin analogue latanoprost leads to an increase in iris pigmentation.

Does the colour of the iris in a person's eye remain constant for life?
I dont think so...mine hasnt

mine were bright blue, then green, and now they are green-blue
Reply:Yes it does...It will remain constant FOR LIFE! It's embedded in your genetic makeup

For example, if you have a blue-eye gene allele, definitely it won't change to a green-eye allele...

The color of your eye's iris will just change its color if you get a DNA alteration (if you want it) or putting contact lens to make it differ in color from your original color.
Reply:it depends on the fluid in the retina as if its hard blue and teher is no change upto 10 years then the colour of years will never change except the colour lens and it can change by change in climate as early like if the person or kid is being broughtup to other atmosphere or climate then there are chances in change of colour in almost every part of body and even food matter(what a person is used to eat).
Reply:I second the fact that babies are often born with blue eyes. After the first ten or some odd years of life, your eyecolor isn't likely to change though the hue may lighten or darken depending on your enviornment or even the clothes you wear!
Reply:Usually not. Babies are typically born with blue eyes, which may darken over time.

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