Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I didn't get my Iris divided last year can I divide and move them now before the weather breaks in zone 5?

I need to divide and move even if they dont bloom ---of course I"d rather have blooms but need them in other areas badly and they are overcrowded and taking up too much area in the bed where I need other plants. Perhaps I should move big clumps now and divide at proper time . Whatcha think?

I didn't get my Iris divided last year can I divide and move them now before the weather breaks in zone 5?
Absolutely. I've divided my irises in spring, when they're just beginning to show signs of life, with great success. I'm in zone 5/6.
Reply:yes you can!! Just make sure when you re-plant them lay some mulch on top of them..this will help them alot!!

I've divided mine in the early spring...the early fall...and even now...just as long as the blooms are done(this is a rule of thumb in my zone 7)

Iris are tough bulbs!! and Bueatiful flowers!!

They are our State Flower.... Tennessee : )

Good luck and happy gardening!!
Reply:Yes, but wait until they show signs of growth
Reply:To: Another zone 5.

Great idea to move big clumps now. I do mine by the shovelful so I'm disturbing them as little as possible. The ones I've moved this way in the past few years all bloomed and have taken really well. And I know what you mean when you say about them being overcrowded.
Reply:You bet you can...and it's a good idea to. I did it this time last year and I had an awesome array of blooms!
Reply:You can try, but the weather and the ground is too cold in zone 5.

The best time for moving or transplanting iris is the first two weeks of August.

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